F | Spectral type for yellow-white stars, which are slightly hotter than the Sun. The brightest F-type stars in Earth's sky are Canopus and Procyon. [C95] |
F component | The outer part of the Solar corona (see K Component) which emits a continuous spectrum in which absorption lines can be seen. The F corona is caused by radiation from the photosphere scattered by interplanetary dust, and it decreases slowly with distance from the Sun. (F stands for Fraunhofer) [H76] |
F Corona | see F Component. [H76] |
FDS Law | see Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld Law. [H76] |
f-Electron | An orbital electron whose l quantum number is 3. [H76] |
F Layers | Two layers in the Earth's ionosphere (F1 and F2 at about 200 and 300 km, respectively) immediately above the E layer. (also called Appleton Layers) [H76] |
f Number | Ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a lens. [H76] |
F Region | Region of the ionosphere above the F layers. [H76] |
F-Spot | see Sunspots [H76] |
F Star | A star of spectral type F with a surface temperature of about 60O0-7500 K, in which lines of hydrogen and Ca II are of about equal strength. Metal lines also become noticeable. Examples are Canopus, Procyon. [H76] |
f-Sum Rule | The sum of the f-values for all the transitions from a given state (positive for absorption and negative for emission) is unity. [H76] |
f-Values | see Oscillator Strengths [H76] |
ft-Values | t = half-life of the
Faber-Jackson Relation | An empirically observed correlation between the speeds of stars in the center of a galaxy and the intrinsic luminosity of the galaxy - the higher the random speeds, the more luminous the galaxy. Since the speeds of stars can be directly measured by the Doppler shift in their colors, the Faber-Jackson relation permits an estimate of the intrinsic luminosity of a galaxy. By comparison of this with the observed brightness, the distance to the galaxy may be inferred. [LB90] |
Fabry-Perot Interferometer | (a) A type of interferometer wherein the
beam of light is passed through a series of pairs of partly reflecting
surfaces set at various angles to it and spaced at certain
prechosen numbers of the wavelength to be examined. It differs
from the Michelson interferometer in that it has only one arm. [H76]
Faculae | (a) Bright areas on the face of the Sun, commonly in
the vicinity
of sunspots. Named by Johannes Hevelius, they are thought to be caused
by luminous hydrogen clouds close to the photosphere. They last on
average about 15 Earth-days. [A84]
Faint Blue Galaxy | A distant, irregularly shaped galaxy in which a large amount of star formation is taking place. [C97] |
Fall | A "fall" as opposed to a "find" is a meteorite whose arrival on Earth is witnessed. Stones constitute 92% of the observed falls. [H76] |
False Color | The use of colors, instead of shades of grey, on a computer image display screen to represent different brightness levels and highlight very small differences in a dramatic way. For example, in an ordinary black-and-white image, objects which differ only slightly in brightness appear as almost the same shade of grey and are hard to distinguish. If instead the numerical brightness values are assigned carefully chosen colors then two objects of almost equal brightness will be strongly distinguished when the image is displayed. [McL97] |
False Vacuum | (a) A region of space that appears to be empty (a
but actually contains stored energy. When this stored energy is
released, the false vacuum is said to decay. (see Vacuum) [LB90]
False Vacuum Bubble | A bubble which has false vacuum on the inside, and true vacuum on the outside. In principle, the creation of such a bubble offers the possibility of creating a new Universe in a hypothetical laboratory. [G97] |
Families | (a) Organization of matter particles into three
groups, with each
group being known as a family. The particles in each successive family
differ from those in the previous by being heavier, but carry the same
electric and nuclearforce charges. [G99]
Fanaroff-Riley Classification
![]() | |
Fano-Noise | Fano-noise-limited CCDs used for X-ray detection are limited by intrinsic noise due to the absorption of energy and vibration of the crystal lattice itself. [McL97] |
Far Field | The field of a pulsar beyond the velocity-of-light radius. [H76] |
Faraday Effect | An effect occurring in HII regions in which a magnetic field causes a change in the polarized waves passing through (see Faraday Rotation). [H76] |
Faraday Rotation | Rotation of the plane of polarization of linearly polarized radiation when the radiation passes through a plasma containing a magnetic field having a component in the direction of propagation. [H76] |
Feautrier's Method | A difference-equation method of solving transfer equations. [H76] |
Fechner's Law | The intensity of a sensation increases as the logarithm of the stimulus. (see Pogson's Ratio.) [H76] |
Feed Horn | A device used on a radio telescope. It is located at the focal point and acts as a receiver of radio waves which the antenna collects and focuses on it. It couples the energy into the lines to go into the amplifier. [H76] |
Femto | A prefix meaning 10-15. [H76] |
Fermi | (a) A unit of length equal to 10-13
cm. [H76]
Fermi-Dirac Nuclei | Nuclei of odd A-number (i.e., nuclei that do not have integral spin) (cf. Bose-Einstein nuclei). Fermi-Dirac nuclei therefore obey the Exclusion Principle. [H76] |
Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld Law | A law which gives the algebraic number of a quantized system of particles which have velocities within a small range. [H76] |
Fermi Constant | The parameter that fixes the strength with which the weak force couples to particles of matter in Fermi's original theory of the weak interaction. [D89] |
Fermi Gas | A gas of electrons (or, more generally, fermions) in which all the lowest quantum states are occupied. For such a gas, the pressure in the nonrelativistic limit is proportional to the 5/3 power of the density. [H76] |
Fermi Interaction | A weak interaction causing beta-decay. [H76] |
Fermilab | The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, in
Batavia, Illinois,
USA. Fermilab is the home of the Tevatron, the world's most powerful
accelerator, a p |
Fermi Level | The maximum energy of any particle in a group of low-temperature subatomic particles called fermions. Fermions, such as electrons, cannot occupy the same space at the same energy. Thus, if many fermions are placed close together, their energies must all be different. The energy of that particle with the largest energy is the Fermi energy of the system. [LB90] |
Fermion | (a) Any particle with half-integer spin: 1/2 |
Fermium | A radioactive transuranic element of the actinoid
series, not found naturally on Earth. It is produced in very small
quantities by bombarding 239Pu with neutrons to give
253Fm (half-life 3 days). Several other short-lived
isotopes have been synthesized.
Fermi's Question | The question of why, if spacefaring extraterrestrial civilizations exist, their representatives haven't visited Farth. [F88] |
Fermi Statistics | the form of statistics applicable to fermions. It forbids two particles to occupy the same state. [D89] |
Ferromagnet | a material such as iron in which there may be a permanent magnetic moment. In a ferromagnet the spins of the atoms are aligned parallel to one another. [D89] |
FET | Field Effect Transistor A tiny transistor amplifier in which the current flow between two terminals, called the source and the drain, is controlled by the electric field generated inside the silicon by an external voltage on a surface called the gate electrode. {McL97] |
Feynman Diagram | (a) Schematic representation of an interaction between
particles. [F88]
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform [LLM96] |
Fiber Optics | (a) The use of fine transparent fibers to transmit
light. The light passes along the fibers by a series of internal
reflections. Optical fibers of this type can be used to view
inaccessible objects and to carry laser signals in
telecommunications. [DC99]
Fibrilles | Striations or streaks which are observed to form whirls in the Solar chromosphere. [H76] |
Fictitious Mean Sun | An imaginary body introduced to define Mean Solar Time; essentially the name of a mathematical formula that defined Mean Solar Time. This concept is no longer used in high precision work. [S92] |
Field | (a) A physical quantity, like the electric or magnetic
field, which varies from point to point in space. [D89]
Field Curvature | An aberration in an optical instrument, common in Schmidt telescopes, in which the light rays come to a focus on a curved surface instead of on a plane. [H76] |
Field Effect Transistor | FET A solid-state electronic device with three terminals that, like the junction transistor, is used in amplifiers. It controls the current between two terminals, the source and the drain, by the voltage at a third, the gate. An n-type FET consists of a single piece of n-type semiconductor, which has the source at one end and the drain at the other. A heavily-doped p-type region in the middle forms the gate. If the gate voltage is more negative than the source, electrons move from the n-type region to the p-type region leaving an area round the gate with fewer electrons to carry current. This has the effect of narrowing the conducting channel through which the source-drain current flows by an amount that depends on the source-gate voltage difference. In the FET, only one type of charge carrier - electrons in the n-type FET and holes in the p-type FET - determines the current and it is therefore known as a unipolar transistor. In the bipolar junction transistor, both positive and negative charge carriers contribute to the other current. [DC99] |
Field Emission | The release of electrons from a surface as a result of a strong external electric field. Very high electric fields are necessary; these are obtained at sharp points. [DC99] |
Field Equations | Equations which relate to one of the fundamental fields of force. General relativity is called a field theory because it describes the gravitational field, and Einstein's equations of general relativity are called field equations. Maxwell's field equations describe the electromagnetic field. (also called Cold Emission) [H76] |
Field Galaxy | An isolated galaxy which does not belong to any cluster of galaxies. The ratio of galaxies in clusters to field galaxies is about 23:1. [H76] |
Field Horizontal Branch Stars | High-velocity metal-weak stars of either B or A spectral type. [JJ95] |
Field Lens | A lens placed in or near the focal plane of a telescope to create an image of the primary mirror inside the instrument. [McL97] |
Field of View | The patch of sky or of any image scene which can be seen by an optical system or by one picture element (pixel) of a detector system. Usually expressed in angular measure. [McL97] |
Field Rotation | The rotation of a star field about the center which occurs in an alt-az telescope because the motion is not about the polar axis. [McL97] |
Field Star | (a) A star that is not part of any star
cluster. Most stars, including the Sun, are field stars. [C95]
Field Theory | A theory in which forces are communicated between two particles by a "field," which fills up the space between the two particles. In a field theory, any particle, such as an electron, is surrounded by a field. The field continuously creates and destroys intermediary particles, which transmit the force of the electron to other particles. In fact, particles themselves are considered to be concentrations of energy in the field. An axiomatic field theory is a field theory that begins with certain assumptions or axioms, as in Euclid's geometry, and deduces the necessary consequences of these assumptions. [LB90] |
FIFO | First-In-First-Out buffer. Used in many microprocessor-controlled systems to smooth the flow of data. [McL97] |
Figure of Merit | The extent to which an optical system falls short of perfection. [H76] |
Filament | A prominence seen in projection on the Solar disk. [H76] |
Filar Micrometer | An instrument used with a telescope for visually measuring small angular separations (as between binary stars). [H76] |
Fine Structure | (a) Closely spaced lines seen at high resolution in
a spectral line or band. Fine structure may be caused by vibrational
motion of the molecules or by electron spin. Hyperfine
structure, seen at very high resolution, is caused by the atomic
nucleus affecting the possible energy levels of the atom. [DC99]
Fine-Structure Constant
(![]() | (a) A "coupling constant," e2 /
Fines, Lunar | Small particles of rock or powdered rock on the Moon. [H76] |
Fine-Tuning | A phrase meaning a highly constrained and implausible adjustment of the parameters of a theory. [LB90] |
Finesse | A figure of merit for the reflectance of a
Fabry-Perot etalon.
It is given by |
FIR | Far Infrared |
FIRAS | Far-Infrared Astronomical Spectrometer [LLM96] |
Fireball | see Meteor; see also Primeval Fireball. [H76] |
FIRST | Far-Infrared Space Telescope [LLM96] |
First Order Transition | A phase transition is called first order if it occurs in a manner similar to the way water boils. Bubbles of the new phase (steam) form in the midst of the old phase (water), so that temporarily the two distinct phases (steam and water) coexist. In a second order phase transition, by contrast, one phase evolves into the other as the temperature changes, so the two phases never coexist. [G97] |
First Point of Aries | see Vernal Equinox. [H76] |
Fission | In nuclear physics, the splitting of the atomic nucleus of a heavy element, resulting in the emission of nuclear energy and possibly causing a chain reaction (with similar results) within a mass of the element. [A84] |
Fission, Nuclear | Interaction in which nucleons previously united in an atomic nuclei are disjoined, releasing energy. Fission powers "atomic" bombs. Compare with Fusion. [F88] |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System A method for saving image data which has become standard in astronomy. [McL97] |
Five-Minute Oscillations | Vertical oscillations of the Solar atmosphere with a well-defined period of 5 minutes. [H76] |
Fixed Point | A scale-invariant limit point of the flow of configurations or coupling constants generated by a coarse-graining operation. [D89] |
FK | Fundamental Katalog [LLM96] |
Flare, Solar | Sudden and short-lived (as short as 300 s) brightening of a region of the Solar chromosphere in the vicinity of a sunspot, caused by the sudden release of large amounts of energy (up to 1032 ergs) in a relatively small volume above the Solar "surface." During an intense Solar flare (electron density 1011 compared with 108 in Solar quiet times) the ionization in Earth's atmosphere may increase by several orders of magnitude. Solar flares are classified on a scale of importance ranging from 3+ (largest area) to 1- (smallest area). The largest Solar flares eject a mass of about 1016 g at a speed of roughly 1500 km s-1. [H76] |
Flare Star | (a) Dim red dwarf star that suddenly lights up with
great - but
brief - luminosity, corresponding to an equally powerful but
short-lived burst of radio emission. The cause is thought to be a
sudden and intense outburst of radiation on or above the star's
surface. [A84]
Flash Gate | An ultra-thin transparent electrode across the entire back surface of certain CCDs used to control the charge on the back surface and hence the QE for blue and UV light. [McL97] |
Flash Spectrum | An emission spectrum of the olar chromosphere, obtained by placing an objective prism in front of the telescopic lens the instant before (or after) totality in a olar eclipse. [H76] |
Flat | Subject to the rules of geometry codified by Euclid; a shape, like the surface of a perfectly smooth tabletop, and its higher-dimensional generalizations. [G99] |
Flat Space | A synonym for ordinary Euclidean space. [Silk90] |
Flat Field | Or flat-fielding. An extensive, very uniformly illuminated source of light used to determine the relative sensitivity of an imaging detector composed of many picture elements (pixels) each with a slightly different response to light. The correction process is called flat-fielding. [McL97] |
Flat Universe | (a) A Universe in which there is no curvature to the
spacetime continuum.
This means that the kinetic energy of the expansion is exactly balanced
by the potential gravitational energy of the matter. Thus, after an
infinite amount of time the Universe will stop expanding. [C97]
Flatness Problem
![]() | (a) Poses the question: Why, out of an infinite
number of possibilities,
is our Universe so close to the one special case: the "flat"
Universe? [C97]
Flattening | A parameter that specifies the degree by which a planet's figure differs from that of a sphere; the ratio f = (a - b) / a, where a is the equatorial radius and b is the polar radius. [S92] |
Flavor | (a) The term used to describe different quark
types. There are six quark
flavors: up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top. [CD99]
Flickering | Aperiodic behavior in an oscillating system; rapid, large-amplitude variations in light. [H76] |
Flocculus | see Plage [H76] |
Flop Transition | Evolution of the Calabi-Yau portion of space in which its fabric rips and repairs itself, yet with mild and acceptable physical consequences in the context of string theory. [G99] |
Fluctuations | (a) Spontaneous deviations of the macroscopic
from a certain `reference' state, arising from the thermal motion and
the interactions of the molecules. [D89]
Fluorescence | (a) The absorption of energy by atoms, molecules,
etc., followed by immediate emission of electromagnetic radiation as
the particles make transitions to lower energy states. Fluorescence is
a type of luminescence in which the emission of radiation does not
persist after the exciting source has been removed. The excited states
have very short lifetimes.
![]() | A slightly greenish-yellow highly reactive gaseous
element belonging to the halogens. It is slightly more abundant than
chlorine, accounting for about 0.065% of the Earth's crust. Fluorine
is the most reactive and most electronegative element known; in fact
it reacts directly with almost all the elements, including the rare
gas xenon.
Flux | (a) Total radiation going out from the 2 |
Flux Density | Flux of radiation through a unit surface; the strength of an electromagnetic wave, defined as the amount of power incident per unit area. In radio astronomy, the brightness temperature integrated over the solid angle of the source yields the flux density. [H76] |
Flux Tube | A tube of magnetic field lines. [H76] |
Flux Unit | (a) Unit of flux density. 1 f.u. = 10-26
watts per square meter per hertz (see Jansky). [H76]
FOC | Faint Object Camera (Hubble Space Telescope). [LLM96] |
Focal Plane Scale | The relationship between angles on the sky, in seconds of arc, and millimeters of size at the focus of the telescope; i.e. the number of arcsecs per millimeter. [McL97] |
Focal Ratio | The ratio of the focal length (F) of a mirror or lens to its diameter (D) expressed as a number; f/# = F/D. Also defines the cone angle of the beam. Small focal ratios e.g. f/# = F/D = 1 are said to be "fast" and represent a very large cone angle. Large focal ratios e.g. f/# = 35 are said to be "slow" and indicate a very small cone angle. [McL97] |
Focal Reducer | An optical component or system for changing the image scale of a telescope to achieve a better match between the seeing disk and the pixel size. (see Optical Matching) [McL97] |
Fokker-Planck Equation | A modified form of the Boltzmann equation allowing for collision terms in an approximate way. It is used in the problem of charged-particle transport in fluctuating electromagnetic fields. [H76] |
Fomalhaut | (a) The brightest star in the constellation Piscis
Fomalhaut is a white A-type main-sequence star 21 light-years away. [C95]
Forbidden | Processes can be naively imagined that might occur, but should not occur according to the predictions of the Standard Model. Whether they occur is then a test of the Standard Model. If they occurred at the same rate as other processes the Standard Model would be wrong; if they occur at much smaller rates, or do not occur at all, they provide a clue as to how to extend the Standard Model. None of the processes forbidden by the Standard Model have been observed. [K2000] |
Forbidden Energy Gap | The unoccupiable interval of electron energy levels which forms in a crystalline substance (that is one having a periodic atomic formation) between the valence band (bound electrons) and the conduction band (free electrons). The forbidden energy gap is very large in insulators, non-existent in metals, and small but finite in a semiconductor. [McL97] |
Forbidden Lines | Spectral lines emitted from metastable states, or
those which have a very low probability
(10-9-10-10) of occurrence. They appear at
particle densities |
Forbush Decrease | A decrease in cosmic-ray intensity with an increase in olar activity (and vice versa). This phenomenon was first noted by Forbush in 1954. [H76] |
Force | (a) Agency responsible for a change in a system. In
Newtonian mechanics, gravitational force bends the moon away from the
straight trajectory it would otherwise pursue. [F88]
Force Carriers | Particles that act as the transmitters of forces. The best known example is the photon, which transmits electromagnetic forces. The gluons are the transmitters of the strong interactions, and the W+, W-, and Z0 particles are the transmitters of the weak interactions. [G97] |
Force Charge | A property of a particle that determines how it responds to a particular force. For instance, the electric charge of a particle determines how it responds to the electromagnetic force. [G99] |
Formaldehyde | H2CO -- An organic molecule, the first polyatomic molecule to be discovered in interstellar space (in 1969). In 1973 It was discovered in two external galaxies. [H76] |
Formamide | HCONH2 -- A molecule discovered in interstellar space in 1971 at 6.5 cm. [H76] |
Formic Acid | H2C02 -- A simple organic acid, the first to be detected in interstellar space (in 1970 at 18.3 cm). Formic acid is the "sting" of an insect. [H76] |
Fornax | 1. A faint constellation in the southern sky. 2. A dwarf galaxy that orbits the Milky Way and lies 440,000 light-years from the Galactic center. It was discovered in 1938. [C95] |
Fornax A | A 10th-magnitude S0 galaxy (NG6 1316), which is a strong radio source. [H76] |
Fornax System | A dwarf spheroidal galaxy, about 190 kpc distant, in
the Local Group (Mv |
47 Tucanae | A globular cluster in the southern constellation Tucana and a member of the thick-disk population. [C95] |
Forward (or Reverse) Bias | A term applied to an electronic device known as a diode - usually formed by a junction of p-type and n-type semiconductor material - in which current flows easily if the externally applied voltage has the correct polarity or direction. If the opposite polarity is applied there is almost no current flow and the device is said to be reverse biased. [McL97] |
Fossils | Geological remains of what was once a living thing. [F88] |
Fossil Strömgren Sphere | A relict HII region which remains after the evolution of its exciting star. [H76] |
4-kpc Arm | A component of the Sagittarius arm with non-circular gas motions. (see 3-kpc Arm) [H76] |
4N Nuclei | Nuclei possessing equal and even numbers of neutrons and protons. 4N nuclei are formed in supernova envelopes at temperatures of at least 2 × 109 K and are very stable. (or Even-Even Nuclei) [H76] |
Four-Vector | A quantity that has four components which, under the Lorentz transformation, transform like space and time. Instead of locating a point in three-dimensional space, a spacetime four-vector locates a point in four-dimensional spacetime. (four-dimensional vector) [H76] |
Fourier Analysis | The analysis of a periodic function into its simple harmonic components. [H76] |
Fourier Component | A measure of the fluctuations of some physical quantity on a particular length scale. The density of sand on a beach, for example, would have a small Fourier component on the scale of a few feet, where the beach appears smooth, but a large Fourier component on the scale of a hundredth of an inch, where the beach appears grainy owing to individual sand particles. [LB90] |
Fourier Theorem | Any finite periodic motion may be analyzed into components, each of which is a simple harmonic motion of definite and determinable amplitude and phase. [H76] |
FOV | Field of View |
Four-Wave Mixing | this is the combination of three optical waves to generate a fourth. It occurs in many optical media provided frequencies and intensities are carefully chosen. It is widely used in phase-conjugation. [D89] |
FP | Fabry-Perot [LLM96] |
Frame of Reference | A set of axes to which positions and motions in a system can be referred. [H76] |
Francium | A radioactive element of the alkali-metal group. It is
found on Earth only as a short-lived product of radioactive decay,
occurring in uranium ores in minute quantities. A large number
radioisotopes of francium are known.
Franck-Condon Principle | A theoretical interpretation of the relative intensity of vibrational transitions in an electronic band on the assumption that the intense transitions correspond to situations where an endpoint in the lower vibrational level is vertically below the corresponding endpoint in the upper vibrational level. [H76] |
Fractal | (a) A geometric figure in which a pattern is
repeated ad
infinitum on smaller and smaller scales. A classic example is Von
Koch's snowflake, for which the construction begins with an equilateral
triangle. Trisect each side, and replace the middle section by
two sides of a smaller equilateral triangle, bulging outward. The
snowflake is obtained by repeating this process for each side of the
resulting figure, then for each side of the subsequent figure, and
continuing forever. [G97]
Fractal Geometry | generalisation of Euclidean geometry suitable for describing irregular and fragmented patterns. A noninteger `fractal dimension' can frequently (but not always) be associated with such patterns. [D89] |
Frame Transfer | A CCD construction in which one half of the imaging area of the device is purposely covered with a mask opaque to light to provide a temporary charge storage section. [McL97] |
Fraunhofer Diffraction | Diffraction observed with incident parallel light. In Fraunhofer diffraction the wavefronts are parallel. Although a special case of Fresnel diffraction, it is far more important in most practical cases. Thus it is used to explain single - and multiple - slit patterns, as well as those produced by circular holes. [DC99] |
Fraunhofer Lines | (a) The dark lines in the spectrum of light from
the Sun, caused by the absorption of particular wavelengths by certain
elements in its cooler outer regions. The wavelengths of these lines
are used as reference points in specifying quantities that vary with
wavelength, e.g. refractive constants. [DC99]
Free (of a particle) | Not bound to a nucleus. [H76] |
Free Spectral Range | A term used in spectrometers to indicate the wavelength interval between occurrences of the same wavelength produced in the next order of interference or diffraction. [McL97] |
Free-Fall | A collapse in which gas clouds do not hit or impede one another. According to ELS (Eggen, Lynden-Bell & Sandage), the Galactic halo formed in a free-fall collapse. [C95] |
Free-Free Radiation | The acceleration of an unbound (or free) electron by a proton or atomic nucleus results in the emission of electromagnetic radiation. [Silk90] |
Free Parameter | A number which is needed to define a theory well enough so that predictions can be made, but which must be determined by experiment or observation. [G97] |
Frequency | (a) The frequency of a periodic or harmonic motion
which repeats
itself in equal time units is the number of oscillations or cycles per
unit of time. Its unit is the hertz (Hz). [D89]
Frequency Distribution | A statistical arrangement of numerical data according to size or magnitude (see also Distribution Function). [H76] |
Frequency Standard | A generator whose output is used as a precise frequency reference; a primary frequency standard is one whose frequency corresponds to the adopted definition of the second (see Second; Système International), with its specified accuracy achieved without calibration of the device. [S92] |
Fresnel Diffraction | Diffraction observed when either source or screen (or both) are close to the diffractor. In Fresnel diffraction, the wavefronts are not plane (as in Fraunhofer diffraction) and analysis is difficult. The approach is useful in explaining (for instance) diffraction around a circular obstacle. [DC99] |
Fresnel Lens | A type of lens with one surface cut in steps so that transmitted light is refracted just as if by a much thicker (and heavier and more expensive) conventional lens. Lighthouse lamp lenses have long been of this type. Very cheap plastic Fresnel lenses now have many uses, for example in overhead projectors, flashlamps, etc. The angle of each step is made to produce the desired effect. [DC99] |
Fried Parameter | A measure of the scale of the turbulence in the atmosphere. The length over which a disturbance to a wavefront is well-correlated. [McL97] |
Friedmann Equation | (a) An equation for the evolution of the Universe. The
Friedmann equation can be derived from Einstein's theory of gravity,
plus the assumptions that the Universe is homogeneous (looks the same
at every point) and isotropic (looks the same in every direction). The
solution of the Friedmann equation tells, among other things, how the
distance between galaxies changes with time. (see Homogeneity;
Isotropy) [LB90]
Friedmann-Lemaître Universes | The three standard Big Bang models that were formulated by Friedmann and Lemaître. [Silk90] |
Friedmann Models | A general class of cosmological models that assume the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales and that allow the Universe to evolve in time. Most calculation in the standard Big Bang model assume a Friedmann cosmology. (see Friedmann Equation; Homogeneity; Isotropy.) A cosmological model that has the same properties as a Friedmann model under some conditions is said to have a Friedmann limit. [LB90] |
Friedmann Universe | A homogeneous, isotropic model of the Universe involving nonstatic (i.e., expanding or contracting) solutions to Einstein's field equations (with zero cosmological constant) calculated by the Russian mathematician A. Friedmann in 1922. [H76] |
Fringes | (a) The light and dark bands obtained by
interference or diffraction of light. [DC99]
Fringing | The appearance of complex light and dark contours in a CCD image due to constructive and destructive interference effects of light reflected inside the detector. [McL97] |
Froissart Bound | If in a hadron-hadron collision the absorption is complete, then the interaction radius cannot increase faster than the logarithm of the energy. [H76] |
Froude Number (Fr) | A non-dimensional parameter, sometimes called a
Froude constant, used in
fluid dynamics to describe the flow of a fluid in which there is a free
It is defined by the relationship Fr = v/(gl)1/2,
where Fr is the Froude number,
v is the velocity of the liquid, g the acceleration due
to gravity and l is a
parameter representing length. The flow of an inviscid, incompressible
in two geometrically similar flow systems is dynamically similar when their
Froude numbers are the same. The number is named after William Froude
(1810-1879), who derived it in 1869. It is used extensively by naval
architects. In France it is called the Reece number after F. Reece
a French naval officer from Alsace. All Froude's original notebooks,
with those of his son R. E. Froude (1846-1924), are in the Admiralty
Establishment in Gosport, Hampshire.
Frozen-In | An adjective which applies to the abundance of elements produced by the r-process in a supernova when the temperature has dropped below the point at which they can serve as seed nuclei for further nucleosynthesis. It also applies to the magnetic field lines of a star in gravitational collapse. [H76] |
F-Type | Having a spectral type of F, that is, yellow-white, like Canopus and Procyon. [C95] |
FT | Fourier Transform [LLM96] |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTS | Fourier Transform Spectrometer [LLM96] |
FU | Flux Unit [LLM96] |
FU Ori Stars or Fuors | A subgroup of T Tau stars with considerable changes in brightness. The post-eruption spectrum is that of a late supergiant. [JJ95] |
Full Width at Half-Maximum | FWHM -- The full width of a spectral line at half-maximum intensity. [H76] |
Fundamental Constants | Physical quantities, like the speed of light or the mass of an electron, that enter into the laws of physics in a basic way and are believed to be the same at all times and everywhere in the Universe. Most physicists take the fundamental constants of nature as given properties of the Universe. [LB90] |
Fundamental Frequency | The lowest characteristic frequency of oscillation of a dynamical system. [H76] |
Fundamental Interactions
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Fundamental Stars | Stars for which coordinates have been determined to a very high degree of accuracy. [H76] |
Funneling | The concentration of stars from different parts of the main sequence in the red-giant region. [H76] |
Fusion | (a) In nuclear physics, the combining of the atomic
nuclei of
lighter elements to form nuclei of a heavier element. Such a process
involving the atomic nuclei of elements lighter than iron is
accompanied by the emission of energy; for fusion of heavier elements,
energy must be supplied. The process is thought to contribute to the
condensation of stars from interstellar gas and dust. (see also Nuclear
fusion) [A84]
Future Light Cone | see Light Cone [H76] |
FWHM | Full Width at Half Maximum The full width of a profile (e.g. the seeing profile or a filter transmission curve) between the two points where the value is 50% of the peak value. [McL97] |