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A short description accompanies each object listed in the Catalogue to emphasize those aspects that are of most interest and to quantify certain properties, such as the direction of a jet or the number of apparent companions, etc.

Abbreviations Used in the Description

ABS'N. absorption
APP. apparent
ASSOC. association
ASYMM. asymmetric
BR. bright
CIRC. circular
C0MP'N. companion
COMP'NS. companions
CONDENS. condensation
CONN. connected/ing/ion
DBL. double
DIAM. diametric
E elliptical
EL0NG. elongated
ENVEL. envelope
FILAM. filament
FNT. faint
G.D. grand design
GAL./GALS. galaxy/galaxies
GRP. group
HI.S.BR. high surface brightness
incl. including
I/A interacting
IRR. irregular
LO.S.BR. low surface brightness
MA.AX. major axis
MATR'L material
MDM.S.BR. medium surface brightness
MI.Ax. minor axis
MULTI. multiple
PEC. peculiar
S.BR. surface brightness
SP. spiral
V. very
w. with
+ and/or/plus

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