Just three years ago, the first galaxy was found that had a higher redshift than the then highest redshift QSO; such an event was expected given that galaxies presumably predate QSOs, but this was the first time since the discovery of QSOs in the 1960s that this had happened. This object was at z = 4.92 (Franx et al. 1997). It identified z > 5 as the time when we might begin to see the development of substantial baryonic potential wells. Since then, the highest redshift QSO has crept over z = 5, but the highest redshift galaxy has jumped to at least z = 5.74, and possibly even to z = 6.68.
The three best determined z > 5 objects are at z = 5.34
(Dey et al. 1998),
z = 5.60
(Weymann et al. 1998),
and z = 5.74
(Hu et al. 1999).
All these redshifts were measured from Keck LRIS spectra, and all show
Ly, though all are faint with
ranging from 4 to 10 hours, as required to get adequate S/N in the
emission line. The continuum fluxes are low, since these sources typically have
IAB magnitudes around 26-27, and hard to detect
against the bright night sky
falls at 800 nm at
z = 5.6). The detections are almost certainly real, since the
objects are measurable
in deep imaging data, and the expected flux decrements due to the
continuum breaks
at Ly
1216 Å and the Lyman
limit at 912 Å have been seen. In addition, the line profiles
display the expected asymmetry due to blue edge absorption in
in the outflowing ISM
associated with the starburst (see e.g.,
Franx et al. 1997).
The highest redshift object, at z = 6.68
(Chen, Lanzetta and
Pascarelle 1999),
is a less certain
detection, given that it is faint and the data are relatively low S/N.
It is clear that we are pushing to z ~ 6 and beyond, but it is
also clear that
further progress really requires good near-IR imagers and
spectrographs. At z = 6.68,
Ly falls at 940 nm, where
typical CCDs have quite low quantum efficiency.
Another interesting issue with these high redshift objects is what will
we actually do with
them? They are so faint that it will be extremely difficult to to obtain
high S/N data,
even in images. As noted, they are fainter than IAB =
26, with typical line fluxes
that are very low, and, even with Keck, integrations of 4-10 hours
provide little
more than redshift detections. If we are to get more detailed information about
such high redshift objects then a different approach must be used.